Store Update 9/7

Posted by Paul Haak on

First of all thank you all for your kind words of support as I get through this bump in the road. I appreciate having such a great group of customers. I'm feeling pretty good about the printer right now. It's fixed, adjusted and rolling again. 


Resistance Raiders

Jabba Yoxgit (Ugnaught who looks like he's wearing the MJ thriller jacket)

Gamora Endgame


Im trying to reduce the number of individual ads by grouping figures together a bit by genre and / or same character but different outfits. I don't want the website to get too bogged down with thousands of individual ads. So, I'm hoping folks check out the blog posts to find out what new stuff there is that isn't obvious on the home page.

Lots more in the works, I'm also hoping to put some characters up that I plan to make, and you can be 'notified' using the button. For example, under Resistance, there are several in the works so I've included their names for you to subscribe to.

Also working on a 'business card' video. Should be cool when its done!



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