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Sept, What not!?

Posted by Paul Haak on

The baby arrived, all safe and sound. Thanks for all the notes of congrats. Starting to think about the fall, and Christmas around the corner. I do plan on having my annual sale for the month of November, buy 4 get one free or something like that. 

Im also considering 'What not' as a selling platform! Have you used it before? Please follow me there if you are. Im thinking that would be a good place for 'one of a kind' clones and Mando's. Maybe some other inventory too. 

Thank you again for all your support, please help share my website link with others to spread the word.

1 comment

  • Whatnot is a great platform and people like bricktactical, thiccybrickie, bendlebricks, republicbricks all have sold on the platform. Youll of course put me out of business as a reseller but if you need a referral code to help you get on the app id be more than willing to send it

    Sheridan on

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