The baby arrived, all safe and sound. Thanks for all the notes of congrats. Starting to think about the fall, and Christmas around the corner. I do plan on having my annual sale for the month of November, buy 4 get one free or something like that.
Im also considering 'What not' as a selling platform! Have you used it before? Please follow me there if you are. Im thinking that would be a good place for 'one of a kind' clones and Mando's. Maybe some other inventory too.
Thank you again for all your support, please help share my website link with others to spread the word.
Whatnot is a great platform and people like bricktactical, thiccybrickie, bendlebricks, republicbricks all have sold on the platform. Youll of course put me out of business as a reseller but if you need a referral code to help you get on the app id be more than willing to send it