Aug 17 update

Posted by Paul Haak on

Thank you for your patience with restocking popular items. This has caused a slowing in new products. I've been seeing an increase in new customers and it looks bad to have a bunch of bare shelves. There is a  seasonal dip in sales for the summer months, but I appreciate all you who have stuck with me during this time. Lots of neat shows coming up and Im sure lots of new ideas. Please utilize instagram to send pics of new characters you'd like to see. 

NEW this week


x-factor iceman and beast

rogue with green jacket


smuggler legs



  • Just like to start with saying I appreciate your work, these customs are always impressive and I love the broad range you provide, I was wondering when the next restock of the High Republic Rana Kant will be?

    Whelmed on

  • We appreciate the recent restocking efforts along with updating older designs. Thank you!

    Cory on

  • Hey Paul are we able to get some more dc live action figures , arrowverse (arrow, supergirl , legends , flash , batwoman , superman Lois and titans ) and some live action dc supergirl flash movie , blue beetle movie

    Tim on

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